The more I think about this, the more nervous I am becoming. It seems easy enough when you do the math….
4 and half weeks to cover the 26.2 miles…. or 31 days… seems easy right? But then I cant imagine running on new years day, as I have to cook a family meal! Back to work on the 2nd etc, then rugby thursday so it feels like a slow start.
Lets say its 6 miles a week, and a slow start it gets a bit nerve-racking! Additionally, I am not a runner, so its going to be a slow start!
But I am sure I can do this, and the very fact I am writing this down is helping to clarify in my mind what I need to get done. I might even have to steal some walking time at lunch times to get some miles on the board.
And just though, I’ve got a birthday weekend too in January, so there are more days lost. Oh.
But I can, and will do this.